A Message From Our President

 Dear PCACAC Community:

Greetings everyone. I hope your new school year is off to a great start and you had a good summer. Our affiliate’s summer was fantastic! We got lots of planning done, we held our summer board meeting, and, in July, Jennifer Williams and Eli Clarke planned and facilitated our affiliate’s Summer Institute on the campus of Morgan State University. This year’s Summer Institute was extra special to me, not just because it was our organization’s first time hosting this event on an HBCU campus, but because this was my campus- my home. I am a proud alum of the National Treasure, Morgan State University, and I had the privilege of introducing 100 of our friends to campus. I also had the pleasure of introducing Morgan’s President, David Kwabena Wilson, as the event’s keynote speaker- his message was tremendously impactful. Thank you, Jennifer, Eli, Lynn Lyon-Vaiden, and the entire Summer Institute faculty, for an incredible event. A special thank you to Dr. Ernest Brevard, Assistant Vice President, EMASS Operations, and the rest of the team at Morgan State University for welcoming us and ensuring a great event.

Not too long ago, I didn’t even know what PCACAC was. I attended my first PCACAC conference as a Marion Flagg scholarship recipient. At that conference, I volunteered to help with the Inclusion, Access, and Success Committee, and after that, I volunteered for several other roles within the organization. This organization has always made space for me, and we would like to make space for you.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].

Warm regards,

Melisa Hypolite
PCACAC President